BIO for John Munnelly aka LaughJohnLaugh
John Munnelly aka LaughJohnLaugh BIO 2013
John’s ability to take the ordinary and make it extraordinary is emphasized in his music, paying close attention to “the trees in his forest” sets his music apart. His writing offers a unique perspective on the human condition – never shying away from unpleasant, funny or awkward themes, while having a great natural melodic and rhythmic feel. The lyrical content often encompasses the depth and complexity of life and issues such as spirituality, relationships, the search for justice with wit and humor.
Compositions like “The Bum Song” and “The Cubicle”, highlight John’s keen sense of satire and wry humor, as in his ASCAP award winning song “The Unemployment Blues”. While such writings as “Antigua” and “1-2-3-4-5 Flowers” keynote his need for music to be beautifully thought provoking. John’s uncanny talent to articulate and translate our everyday into thought provoking, listening – worthy songs is indicative of John Munnelly’s being… of why he makes music. He is true to his craft, which in turns allows him to cross genres, writing in a large array of styles that appeal to various audiences. John loves, lives and laughs through his music… so yes, Laugh, John, Laugh!!
Inspired by his day to day, John Munnelly, celebrates his musical talent as a full time award winning songwriter & musician, living with his wife in Brooklyn, NY. Born to an all things musical family in Cavan, Ireland, John realized at an early age that music would become his catalyst for life. Coming to America via an opportunity, John arrived with a bunch of songs and a biography of Woody Guthrie. Along with his ambition to be Sting’s “Irish Man in New York”, John has accomplished much as an accidental Renaissance Man. John Munnelly became an U.S. Citizen in 2009 and married in Cavan town in May 2012.