Film TV Acting Reel

Character Link in Kitchen Scene in Hectic KnifeActing: HECTIC KNIFE
Feature Film Released by Troma Entertainment and available for viewing on Amazon

I did n’t know or maybe have the confidence to try acting until later in my career and fell into it with my friends and collaborators Greg (DeLiso) and Peter (Litvin) who were making small silly shorts that suddenly grew legs and became the funny monster called Hectic Knife. One day I turned up in the music studio where I recorded with Peter and he took a look at my reflective cycling gear and asked me to try on a wig and ‘say-shome-shit’ so I did and the character ‘Link’ was born – the room mate of Hectic Knife. At first I really found it excruciating to look at myself acting but as the project developed and the character became less me and more him I began to enjoy it more. A bit like listening to your own voice – some people don’t like how they sound but it sounds fine to everyone else. Supportive words from director and producer certainly helped.

And so that’s where I really started in Hectic Knife. I am not counting the summer play in the French language school I attended where I came on stage muttered and fell down. It may even have been in French I’m sure no one knew what I said anyway. My shy speech as a kid sounded something like – “Hmmunnan Hummnahhaa. I had talcum powder sprinkled in my hair to make it look grey and some wrinkles added with eyeliner – little did I know that by time my next acting part came around I would have developed my own salt n pepper look.

POE – Edgar Allen Poe

Edgar Allen Poe - A dream Within a dream with John Munnelly on beachNext main part was as the poet Edgar Allen Poe in a continuously developing web and art series. In May 2013 we visited the actual cottage to do some shooting and reverence the memory of the great artist himself.

It is the master work of my friend and artist Ms Blue Bliss and more can be found on Blue Bliss Very interesting Youtube


Host, Director, Editor of the LaughJohnLaugh.TV show BCAT Brooklyn – airs Midnight last Monday of each month.

LaughJohnLaugh TV Show BCAT
The LaughJohnLaugh TV Show airs in Brooklyn NYC

I create Art and one of the most powerful if not THE most powerful is TV. I am Producer, Director, Editor Star of own show on BCAT TV Brooklyn NYC Skills:
trained and practiced in set up and use of TV studio, Control room and Equipment. 1 Show per month going out on web and in Brooklyn.

Munnelly the Actor:

Actor/Film/WebTv Roles,

  • “Edgar Allen Poe” in Part #1 in a series of Art Films based on his poetry and Short Stories – “ A dream within a dream”

Their portrait 1 POE Mystery

Feature Movie

“Link” in the Action-Comedy “Hectic Knife” an indie feature film to be released 2013

Kidnap Scene - I love comics


“Brent Tilwicker” in Webseries “Fake Henrik Zetterberg” IMDB

Actor Music Video with John Munnelly and LaughJohnLaugh Projects
MUN as Brent Tilwicker in Fake Henrik Zetterberg
John Munnelly as Brent Tilwicker in Fake Henrik Zetterberg

Music Video Performer:



Childrens Entertainment Music/Performer
“12345 Flowers”

Video – LaughJohnLaugh in “Does my BUM look big in this?”

John Munnelly LaughJohnLaugh in
“Did I leave the cubicle (or did the cubicle leave me?)

ASCAP award winner Writer- “The Unemployment Blues”

Live Performer – singer-songwriter and band-leader of 6 piece band ( guitars, vocals, keys, drums)

Musician/Song-Writer/Performer/Video Director/Actor & Producer:
Musician and band-leader playing bars, venues, churches, nursing homes Actor/Performer, editor, director, cameraman host 2003 -2012

COMPOSER: ASCAP Award winning songwriter
instrumentation/vocalist/producer on ProTools/Logic Audio Creative writer,
actor & artist currently producing music videos and developing film/TV